Crumps’ Naturals Gutsy Balance Lamb and Sweet Potato Sprinkles is a delicious prebiotic dog food topper that supports your dogs’ gut health and overall wellbeing. 70% of the immune system is found in the gut, these Gutsy Balance is designed to enhance gut flora and support a healthy digestive tract, ensuring your pet’s well-being from the inside out. Formulated with science backed ingredients like fermented yeast and powerful prebiotics to help naturally occurring good gut bacteria thrive.
The microbiome is a complex ecosystem inside your dog’s body, much like your own, it is made up of tiny living organisms including beneficial bacteria that play a big role in overall health and happiness. What you give your dog feeds their entire microbiome, which can affect how they feel, think, and act, that’s why providing their gut with the optimal balance of functional ingredients is what Crumps’ Gutsy Balance Lamb and Sweet Potato does.
- Tasty Dog Food Topper
- Powerful prebiotics
- Supports healthy digestive tract
- Balances the microbiome and supports whole dog health, including:
- Healthy digestion
- Stool quality
- Inflammatory response
- Immune function
- Emotional and mental health
- 100% traceable ingredients
- Made in Canada
Crumps’ Naturals is dedicated to providing wholesome, natural dog treats made from limited, human-grade ingredients. Their Canadian-made treats are free from additives, preservatives, and artificial flavors, ensuring your dog enjoys nutritious, high-quality snacks. From sweet potato chews to liver treats, Crumps’ Naturals offers a variety of delicious options that support your pet’s health. Each treat is carefully crafted with transparency in mind, offering a safe and healthy option for pet owners who care about their dog’s well-being. Check out all of Crumps’ Naturals treats here!
INGREDIENTS: Lamb liver, Sweet potato, Chicory root (inulin), Apple pomace, Tomato pomace, Yeast culture.
Dog Size (lbs) … Daily Amount
Small (<22) … 1 tablespoon
Medium (22-44) … 2 tablespoons
Large (>44) … 3 tablespoons
Made in Canada.
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